The goal of the Max-OT warm-up protocol is to gradually introduce heavier weights without approaching the point of muscle fatigue.

Below are the main points to consider when you are doing your warm-up sets. These points are taken from a passage contained in my book “Inside the Mind of a Champion.” The complete passage explains each of these points in detail and gives some specific examples.

    * Warm-up on the first exercise for a body part only.

    *Progressively introduce a heavier weight each warm-up set.

    *As you add weight each warm-up set, decrease reps.

    *Do not approach the point of fatigue.

    *Your last warm-up set (also called weight acclimation) should be close to your muscle-building set weight.

    *4-5 warm-up sets should do the job.

    Believe. Achieve.


    1. Hi Jeff,
      You may have heard of the idea of muscle fascia stretching after a wokout to help increase muscle growth.Any thoughts on that?

    2. avatar

      Hey Jeff, Im a huge fan! I know this isn't a question about this blog but I just wanted to ask a quick one about calorie intake. I've just started my mass season about a month ago and I've just discovered the Max OT and I'm going to start with the routine that is on the AST website, and my question is during the summer I had been intaking around 2000-2500 cal per day. Since I've started trying to get bigger I've been trying to get as many calories as possible. How many calories would you say I need to get to begin to see some big gains in mass?

    3. Do you wear special weight lifting shoes when squatting? I usually squat and deadlift in my socks and have recently been advised against my practice, since it can supposedly damage the arch of my feet. I have been following you since the AST days back in 2003 and respect your opinion on the matter.



    4. avatar
      Jeff Willet

      You can check out the calorie calculator on for a ball park calorie amount.

    5. avatar
      Jeff Willet

      I didn't wear any specific type of shoes. Just what was comfortable.

    6. Hi Jeff,

      About the warm-ups. If i’m training chest and forearms, do i need to warm up the forearms (12-10-6-3-1-MAXOT)? Because they already have been working out a when bench pressing? Same for back and traps or quadriceps and kalfs? Or is a weight aclimitation enough?

      Your DVD (i want to look like that guy) inspired me to have a go for MAX OT as i’m like Stuart in his beginning situation.

      Kind regards

      Danny (Belgium)

      • With the scenarios you describe you don’t need a full warm-up sequence for the second muscle group. One or 2 acclimation sets should be all you need.

        Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the Documentary!

    7. Hijeff
      When i follow the maxot warm up squat its not enough to warm my leg so when i read the maxot program i fain paul said he can add leg curl to the maxot warm up for leg in medium intensity so if i can add the leg curl how may set i need to add to squat warm up

      thenks & regards

      • I would still follow the warm-up protocol for Squats because you want to progressively introduce heavier weights without fatigue as you prepare for the muscle building sets.

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