Don’t forget to take a week off!

I reference the Max-OT principles all the time and I am always saying in order to get the most out of the system you need to follow all the Max-OT principles and not just pick and choose the ones you like and disregard the ones you don’t.  One of the important but often overlooked principles is a scheduled week off.  Scheduled weeks off every 8-10 weeks yields important physical and mental benefits that will help increase your long term results.

In the excerpt below from my eBook “Inside the Mind of a Champion” I address this topic.

Scheduled time off won’t hurt you, misguided efforts and a lack of intensity will. It doesn’t matter how many hours you spend in the gym, if you consistently use a bad approach you’ll consistently get marginal results. In order to achieve outstanding results you need to do more than just put in your time. You have to continually kick ass in the gym and execute an intelligent plan.

Intense Max-OT training for a span of 8 to 10 weeks will create the best stimulus for maximum muscle gains and the scheduled week off will play an important role in how well you fully recover and respond (grow) from all the hard work in the gym.

To continually take your results to a higher level, your head needs to be in the game each and every workout as well and a mental break is just as important as a physical break. Mental recovery is overlooked in virtually every training program but not in Max-OT because Paul is acutely aware of the critical role your mind plays in building maximum muscle.

A large part of your training success will hinge on your mental approach. If you are sputtering mentally your workouts will suffer and that is a fact. To get the most out of your workouts you need to focus and concentrate 110% each day. You can’t afford to let your mental approach suffer. A scheduled week off gives you a very important mental reliever and helps keep you fresh and focused in the gym.

You need to understand that training is only one part of the equation, albeit a big part, but only one part none the less. Recovery, nutrition and supplementation all play roles of equal importance and if any one of those aspects suffers, the end results will suffer too.

It is crucial that you understand the importance of cyclical recovery and get over any mental barriers that may prohibit you from taking scheduled time off. View the big picture and realize how vital this extended recovery period between intense Max-OT cycles is for your progress as well as your overall health and well being.

After you train with Max-OT intensity for 8 to 10 weeks straight, a week off will be a welcomed and deserved break. You’ll return to the gym stronger, mentally sharper, re-focused and hungry to build maximum muscle during the next Max-OT training cycle.


  1. Jeff, I love MAX-OT i incorporate it in my training as well as my Girlfriends Training. we met you at the Arnold and I beleive completly in lifting heavy, at 46 years old I lift as heavy or heavier than I did 20 years ago. I just do not see or feel the same if I don’t. I try tgo train my clients using priciples I have learned from many years of trsining and your principles.. thanks!

  2. hey Jeff.
    i wanna ask you a question, hope you’ll answer.
    so in my chest day, after bench press and incline press if i’ll do dips, will it work the lower pecs?

  3. jeff loved the movie i want to look like that guy. I how every have the opposite problem.Can’t gain wieght 160lbs at 5’9″ 43years old and eat anything that won’t eat me first cut cardio to 20 min 2 times a week and liftin heavy 4 times a week for an hour. any suggestions??? thanks jeff hope you have time to reply.

    • Max-OT weight training and careful attention to nutrition, especially in the 3 hour post workout window. The same principles work for emphasizing maximum muscle gains as they did in the documentary when we were emphasizing maximum fat loss. Difference is you do few cardio sessions per week as you indicated and second you want to follow the same eating structure as far as nutrient timing and selection but you gradually increase calories as needed over time.

  4. Hi Jeff,
    Iwas just wondering what your supplement scheduel is like, what AST sports Science products do you take?

  5. avatar

    Hi Jeff!
    I have two questions about what you gently tell us. First, what about the diet in this week off? should continue with the normal diet, except the pre and post-workout obviously?. And finally that week off also includes the cardio sessions?

    Thank you so much!

    • Yes, the diet in the off week should be basically the same minus the pre/post workout. If fat loss is a high priority you can still do cardio in the off week. If maximum muscle building is a priority then I would take the week off cardio too.

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